Saturday, October 24, 2015

MooseFest 2015

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This year I had the opportunity travel to Old Forge New York for the famous northern kayak gathering of MooseFest. It was my first time to MooseFest and actually to the Moose River as well, which was a real treat. The River itself is a true gem with big slides, cool rapids, tons of boots and gorgeous colors with a mix of brightly colored kayak and amazing autumn leaves. I also found out that the MooseFest is home to the Moose Race which is the last of the King of New York Series. Pat Keller showed me down the course for my first time and then we drove back up to start the race. I had a rough idea of were I needed to go but I still hit a lot of rocks on my way down for a #2 finish behind Pat himself. It was an amazing race course with some real gradient and full on rapids. I hope to be back next year to try my luck at it again. 
We didn’t have the greatest of weather, with the first snow of the season falling during the Saturday, only to be followed by waking up to more snow on Sunday. Though despite the less then ideal weather the rivers, kayak shop and bars was all filled with paddlers.

After the dust had settled and the weekend was over I still hadn’t seen any Moose, though I did see plenty of Deer, paddled an epic river, raced some waterfalls, hung out with old friends, met some new friends and had a really really good time. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How To: Switch Freewheel

  1. Line it up: Turn around backwards and look over your shoulder to watch the entry. You want to be watching and able to see the lip to know when to throw the freewheel.
  2. Get some Speed: Get your speed up with a couple hard back strokes to have momentum away from the falls when throwing the the trick. 
  3. Throwing the Switch Freewheel: Once at the lip, have your stroke ready at your toes make sure you are looking over your should on the side you want to be pulling on. As you fall off the lip lean in towards your paddle blade slightly and pull a hard stroke. While stoking you will open open up and look over the opposite shoulder. 
  4. Spot your landing: As you are you falling you need to spot your landing, this while force your body to continue rotating until you are back forwards. Now get ready for the impact by leaning forward.
  5. Stick it and Paddle away: Land leaning forward and finish with a strong stroke to pull yourself away from the hole (and avoid a back ender and getting worked). Paddle away with style you just stuck a switch freewheel off a waterfall.